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Submit Evidence

Submit Evidence

If you were negatively impacted by fraud at the hands of the cryptocurrency mining company Shamining.com, please submit evidence here so that we may continue building a case to bring civil and criminal charges against the individuals running the company as well as attempt to recover stolen funds.

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About Us & Our Investigation

About Us & Our Investigation

We are a small group of individuals who were defrauded at the hands of Shamining.com and are dedicated towards the goal of bringing the individuals responsible to justice, seeking recovery of stolen funds and seizure of property purchased as a result of fraud.

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Next Steps

Next Steps

Our legal contacts at Jenner & Block LLP are waiting on us to complete our investigation and supply the necessary evidence to bring further civil and criminal actions against the parties involved in this international multi-million dollar fraud operation.

Next steps include collecting a sufficient amount of evidence submitted through this website, collecting the necessary financing to continue moving this case forward, and to engage further with attorneys and our legal team to begin bringing actions against the individuals responsible for the fraud.

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